Ask Joined!

How can we help YOU?
Sounding board people.
Marketing methodology development.
Youth marketing chit-chatting.

In short: you have a question? Just ask, we will find the person that can help you.

Sounds great, right?
The 'opportunities' you face are by definition not easy to tackle, so we are confident you understand that we cannot give you a solution right here, right now.

You should talk about it with us. Why wait? Do it today, tomorrow your competitor might do.

Can't wait ??
Contact us!

Want to know how we thing before you want to thing with us? Take a look at our BLOG, download a WHITE PAPER from Slideshare or just surf around.

View xtension's profile on slideshare


Who are we?

JOINED! is a young real life virtual consulting firm. That's for the regular business expression.

Young: We are not life long consultants where you pay for 10 years of experience... that have absolutely no relevance for your business, sector or specific question.

Virtual: Because we walk the digital revolution walk, because it makes us more efficient (and thus cheaper for you) and because it gives us the opportunity to let the best people work on your project, regardless of where they are physically. And yes, it's also good for the environment!

Real life: Because we realize that you actually want to see us from time to time (and we definitely need to see you and your operations).

Consulting: Because that is what we do. All our people are (ex)-consultants. Be it for major consulting firms, strategic communication agencies or dedicated marketing consulting firms.


What do we do?

We help you.


With everything?

Well of course not. We can only help you with the things we know. We know our way around in strategic marketing & communications, HR transformations and can help you in connecting to the new generation of buyers.


Give me something concrete!

* You are thinking of starting up your own business, but need a sounding board that can help you build your business plan (and your mom is not helping you out enough).
* You are a small or mid sized company and want to professionalize your marketing process.
* ... or connect to new customers.
* You have heard about new generations, new media and want to do something with it, but have absolutely no idea what and how.
* You need somebody to help you with a pitch to choose a new Agency.
* ... or you need help in briefing them.



Why should I work with you guys?

* Because you are tired of getting page long reports from major consulting firms that actually leave every option open.
* Because you feel that you are loosing touch with the next generation of customers.
* Because you need a sounding board that does not cost you your next company car.
* Because you like the idea of only paying what we actually deliver.

Why are you so cheap?

* Because we can!
* Because we have no fixed premises, no fixed costs and use free sources for continuous learning.
* Because most of us have day-time jobs. At least, we encourage everyone to constantly develop new views on the world, and where else to do that than in various companies?
* Because we believe in a result driven approach instead of an effort driven one. This keeps us focused and makes sure you only pay for what you needed in the first place.
* Because you pay for the experience you need to solve your problem, not for the experience (whatever that may be) of the people you hire to solve your problem.

Still in doubt, have a talk with us!
