Ask Joined!

Need to get back in the driving seat?
Have a problem tackling your new business CHALLENGES?

Starting up a business and need a SOUNDING BOARD?
Tired of hearing all about WEB 2.0, 3.0,...

You need the solid and bottom line ideas of big consulting firms with the creativity of ad agencies and the price that doesn't ruin your year?

Take a look at what we do or contact us.
JOINED! is a young real life virtual consulting firm. That's for the regular business expression.

YOUNG: We are not life long consultants where you pay for 10 years of experience... that have absolutely no relevance for your business, sector or specific question.

VIRTUAL: Because we walk the digital revolution walk, because it makes us more efficient (and thus cheaper for you) and because it gives us the opportunity to let the best people work on your project, regardless of where they are physically. And yes, it's also good for the environment!

REAL LIFE: Because we realize that you actually want to see us from time to time (and we definitely need to see you and your operations).

CONSULTING: Because that is what we do. All our people are (ex)-consultants. Be it for major consulting firms, strategic communication agencies or dedicated marketing consulting firms.

... JOINED! is still in a startup modus, so we are looking for people that think along with us. Please contact us for more information...
